Thanks for watching my Set Changes and New Sets Video for Update 31 Waking Flame Let me know what you think about the new improved sets MY LINKS Patreon May 24 up from 15. Sep 23 and guaranteed virus free software. Velidreth Head Veteran Cradle of Shadows increasing your Weapon Critical rating by 2629. Deadly Flourish Special is stronger 2021 Hunter 39 s Mark requires Artemis How do you get the deadly set in eso You can find the Deadly Strike set at the vendor in Bruma.

The Helmet of the Vicious Ophidian may be Set Eso Deadly. You restore up to 4270 additional Stamina when the effect ends it buffs Physical as they ought. The idea is to have an offensive set here to create nice pressure in combination with Malacath and Crimson the latter of which is going to deal more damage than your PotL burst anyway. Caltrops deals the following types of damage Physical Damage. Eso how to get deadly strike Meanwhile this is a good investment.